Pursuing a new romantic relationship after you’ve been bereaved is a deeply emotional experience. It brings joy and excitement but can also stir up feelings of guilt, sadness and uncertainty. How do y…
These feelings can by compounded by ‘Blue Monday’, which falls on January 20th and is supposedly the most depressing day of the year. The mix of post-Christmas fatigue, cold weather and personal chall…
Coping with loss during Christmas doesn’t mean ignoring your pain – it’s about finding ways to navigate through it while acknowledging your emotions and loved ones. Read our latest GriefLine blog for …
Mother’s Day can be a time of love, joy and celebration for many. However, for those who have experienced the death of their mum, mother figure or child, it can be a bittersweet occasion, often trigge…
How do we face Valentine’s Day when someone you love has died? Just as you’ve made it through the grief of the festive season and New Year, along comes February 14th to stir up feelings of loss and so…
Father’s Day can be an overwhelming occasion for those who have lost their fathers, grandfathers, brothers, uncles, or children.
The grief and sadness that come with the absence of a loved one can mak…
If your mum, or mother figure, has died, or you are grieving the death of your child or the loss of a pregnancy – Mother’s Day can be difficult. The day, and the lead-up, can be filled with sadness an…
Sometimes, adults may hesitate to bring children into conversations about death and dying. We think we are protecting them when, in fact, we cannot protect our children from death. They encounter it a…
1. Find ways to remember your loved one
That might be speaking to them out loud, or silently. You could write them a letter, or visit a special place – either with family or on your own.
Looking at ph…